World Corporation

ISBN: 9781333777333 出版年:2016 页码:251 King Camp Gillette Forgotten Books


Corporationists that economy, stability, and absence OF friction are striking characteristics OF large corporations, and the larger the cor poration is and the more diversified and extensive its field of operations, the more these characteristics stand forth, and the more National the corporation becomes in character, until, reaching out to other lands, it partakes of a World System. Thus the trained mind of business and finance sees no stopping-place to corporate absorption and growth, except final absorption of all the World's material assets into one corporate body, under the directing control of one corporate mind.

Kindle Customer

This book was written more than 100 years ago and envisioned a universe completely run by a single world corporation. The author was a naive idealist who had no concept of actual human behavior. He describes a world where all competition is eliminated and every human in the world would conform to the rules of the corporation. He just assumed his ideals would be followed with no power struggle, no politics, no envy, no disputes, which completely flies in the face of all human history. Obviously nothing has come of his ideas but it just shows that even 100 years ago people longed for a world where everything was "made to be equal" and somehow by magic no human would rock the boat and disrupt Utopia. At the present time the fairest system in the world is one in which everyone has equal opportunity, is treated equally under the law and achieves happiness by their own merits through a free society. Every time a government, corporation, or other body of power decides how to make outcomes equal and fair for all people regardless of their efforts and abilities, chaos erupts and no one benefits.

James L. Schuur

"Your life, as you knew it, is over. You will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile." - The Borg, 'Star Trek' Their ancestor is King Camp Gillette in 'World Corporation' (1924); THE MOST HORRIFYING BOOK I HAVE EVER READ! "'WORLD CORPORATION' is the birth of industrial science destined to combine Education, Industry, and Government throughout the world in one system, bringing all nations and all peoples into ONE CORPORATE BODY, POSSESSING ONE CORPORATE MIND." - 'World Corporation,' Gillette, p. 42
