The Utilization of Wood Waste by Distillation —— A General Consideration of the Industry of Wood Distilling, Including a Description of the Apparatus Used and the Principles Involved, Also Methods of Chemical Control and Disposal of the Products


ISBN: 9781333687908 出版年:2016 页码:154 Walter Benjamin Harper Forgotten Books


In the pine wood industry so much money has been wasted trying to carry out successfully the plans of over-enthusiastic promoters that it is well to direct along sane lines of investment any further capital that may be advanced for distillation processes. Great and wonderful results have been promised by promoters and in most cases the processes tried did-not even yield a small profit. This bad result has been caused chiefly by the fact that those who have experimented with the various processes on the small scale have made erroneous deductions from the results obtained. Usually some feature that is essential to success has been overlooked and when the process is started on a large scale this feature is brought out so prominently that it cannot be successfully overcome and the plant fails. The greatest mistake is usually the estimation of the cost and quantity of the particular grade of wood with which 'the experiment was made. It usually develops that a sufficient quantity of wood of the right qual ity cannot be obtained. Many of these essential conditions for success are pointed out in the text.

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