The Mind and Society —— Trattato Di Sociologia Generale; The General Form of Society


ISBN: 9781333677244 出版年:2016 页码:613 Vilfredo Pareto Forgotten Books


2061. These elements are not independent: for the most part, they are interdependent. Among them, morever, are to be classed such forces as tend to prevent dissolution, ruin, in societies that endure. When, therefore, a society ls organized under a certain form that is determined by the other elements, it acts in its turn upon them, and they, in that sense, are to be considered as in a state of interdepend ence with it. Something of the sort is observable in animal organ isms. The form of the organs determines the kind Of life the animal leads, but that manner of living in its turn has its influence upon the organs 2088.

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