Memoirs, Illustrating the History of Jacobinism —— Written in French; Part IV., Antisocial Conspiracy, Historical Part


ISBN: 9781333715908 出版年:2016 页码:413 Augustin Barruel Forgotten Books


Review may belong, I {hall not pretend to determine, as I am not in the habit of reading it; but fl1oq be ferry to ground my judgment on the account which Dr. Griffiths, or his affo ciates, have given of the Memoir: offer/robimfm. In the Ap pendix to his twenty-fifth Volume, he has loaded me with im putations which I lhpuid leave to the good fenfe of my Read er, were I engaged in a mere literary difpute; but I have de nounced the moft formidable confpiracy that ever was con trived againfl' Religion and Society. I owe it, therefore, to my caufe, and to myfelf, to prove which of us is moi't Open to the charge of unfairmfr, of dexterity, or of treacfiemm ingenuity. Fortunately the taik is nor difficult.

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