Everything. Macmahon has since gone, chivalrously forgiven by France for Sedan, and Miribel the rising Marcellus of her reformed army. Several works of Moltke have quite lately appeared, which illustrate the hatred of France, and the want of knowledge of men, which I have indicated as faults in his character. His Tactical Problems fur nish additional proof of his immense professional skill and incessant industry, great qualities which, in his case, have in a large measure supplied the absence of the highest genius. I cannot read the works of Kunz and Hmnig in the originals; and translations of them do not, I understand, exist but, if I can judge from an exhaustive review, these commentators curiously confirm all that I have written as to Moltke's direction of the war of 1870, after Sedan, and as to his numerous mistakes and false calculations.