The question of labor and wages is the one question which ought most to concern American economists and American states men. For the great body of our seventeen million male workers are wage-earners averaging less than $400 per year; and the greatest good of the greatest number is the purpose of the American nation. The protectionists have claimed that a protective tariff raises wages. This is the last ditch Of their argument. There began to be doubt about the truth of this claim. Consequently the New York Tribune, the organ of the protectionists, sent a Special cor respondent to Europe to Obtain evidence in support Of it. Mr. Robert P. Porter, who had been special agent of the Census as to statistics of wealth and secretary of the Tariff Commission, was secured for this purpose. Mr. Porter did what he was sent to do. He presented a picture Of the distress of England under free trade and of the prosperity of France and Germany under a protective tariff that was most of a surprise to those who knew most of those countries.