Memoirs of a Huguenot Family —— Translated and Compiled From the Original Autobiography of the Rev. James Fontaine, and Other Family Manuscripts; Comprising an Original Journal of Travels in Virginia, New-York, Etc;, In 1715 and 1716


ISBN: 9781333063313 出版年:2016 页码:517 James Fontaine Forgotten Books


IN bringing before the public this history ofa private family, part of which was published some years ago, we feel it to be possible, that in our own admiration of the virtues of our forefathers, and our deep interest in the vicissitudes of their fortunes, we may over-esti mate the pleasure a perusal is likely to afford the gene ral reader. There are, however, so many individuals in the United States who are lineally descended from James Fontaine, that we think the publication is re quired for them alone. We believe, also, that the work will address itself to the hearts of a numerous body of Christians, who glory, like ourselves, in a Huguenot origin, and who, in reading the following pages, may realize, more fully than they have hitherto done, the trials of their own ancestors in leaving the homes of their fathers for the sake of the Gospel, and be thereby incited to more steadfast faith.

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