Bank, Herald: of Peace 3 (jimmy (cirnori), etymology f tbc word 7 Bardie Inflitution originatcil in Britain 9 2. Ode from the Welih n Anew-in, an Ancient Bard, account cf 12 Monaflerie: of Ilium: and Cadocu: II Cattraetl), 6afile of 16 3. The Thunder Storm, from Dafydd ab Gwilym 20 4. Stanzas written in Slcknefs 23 5. Pafloral, on the Deflrufiion of a favourite Thicket 27 6. Colin's Return, a Pafioral 31 7. Efcape from London 35 Extra? From tbe barjic Triade: 36. Hottentotic flrt: 37 Immoralitie: cf overgrown citie: 38 Bara'ic circle: 39 Britain, ancient name: of 4x Bzitain,' etymology of 4: Quaker: alluded to 43 A 3 For.