Man as He Is Not, or Hermsprong

ISBN: 9781332909858 出版年:2016 页码:355 Robert Bage Forgotten Books


Of these, is democraticaljn its» tendency. It was bed 'at a time when. Sentiments of that nature were prevale'nt'with a! Large class of people, and it was muc'h'jeatl. Has some strength of thought 5 but it is far from being a regularwork, or exhibiting a consistent character. Man as He Is has more of. Story, an more variety of character. Sir George Paradyne, the hero, is a dung man of fortune, with noble and generous fielings and of a philoso'hical but, being Man as he is, he is not a be entirely to resist the temptations of fortune and gav 0 pany, by'which he is drawn for a' time into a course of dissipation: from this he is rescued by the representations of his tutor and their; fluence of honourable love; his mistress,' who a, is a young lady of the most delicate feelings, res, fusing him her hand, though much his interior in fortune, till he is brought to a moressober} way of thinking. The character of Lady Paras-v dyne, his mother, a vain, selfish, fine lady, funnelr 3 of her son, but teasing him with lectures, is drawn with some hu'mour.' 'but the best sus tained character is that of Miss Carlill, a quaker, itfwhich the author has'exeeedingly wellhit ofl this~ acuteness and'presence'ot' mind, and cool-e tress in argument, by which the society sheia'i supposed to belong to are so much distinguished? In her dialogue with a'higli-church clergymanfi she is'made-=to have as much the better of'the'

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