ISBN: 9781332305797 出版年:2016 页码:249 Charles G Ross Forgotten Books
In preparing this volume the author has had in mind the needs not only of students in schools of journalism, but of others who may desire a concise statement of the principles that govern the art of news writing as practiced by the American newspaper. It is hoped the book will prove helpful either as a laboratory guide in the school room or as a text book for home use.As the title indicates, the book deals with one phase of journalism, the presentation of the news story, more especially with the writing of the story - the reporter's part in the day's work. No attempt has been made to go into other aspects of journalism - the writing of editorials, the administrative features of the work, the delicate adjustment that every newspaper must make between its business and news departments except in so far as they bear directly upon the subject in hand.The term journalism is broadly used here to mean all branches of newspaper endeavor.