Oysters, and All About Them —— Being a Complete History of the Titular Subject, Exhaustive on All Points of Necessart and Curious Information From the Earliest Writers to Those of the Present Time, With Numerous Additions, Facts, and Notes


ISBN: 9781332305568 出版年:2016 页码:645 John R Philpots Forgotten Books


Happy is he who lives to understand,Not human nature only, but exploresAll natures, - to the end that he may findThe law that governs each; and where beginsThe union, the partition where, that makesKind and degree, among all visible beings;The constitutions, powers, and facultiesWhich they inherit - cannot step beyond -And cannot fall beneath; that do assignTo every class its station and its office,Through all the mighty commonwealth of things;Up from the creeping plant to sovereign Man.Such converse, if directed by a meek,Sincere, and humble spirit, teaches love:For knowledge is delight; and such delightBreeds love: yet, suited as it rather isTo thought and to the climbing intellect,It teaches less to love, than to adore;If that be not indeed the highest love!
