Journal History of the Twenty-Ninth Ohio Veteran Volunteers, 1861 1865 —— Its Victories and Its Reverses; And the Campaigns and Battles of Winchester, Port Republic, Cedar Mountains, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Lookout Mountain, Atlanta, the March to the Sea, and the Campaign of the Carolinas, in Which It Bore an Honorable Pa


ISBN: 9781332266876 出版年:2016 页码:283 J Hamp Secheverell Forgotten Books


Comrades and Friends:On the twentieth anniversary of the organization of the Twenty-ninth regiment Ohio Veteran volunteers infantry, Comrade J. H. SeCheverell was instructed to prepare a history of the same, and the undersigned were appointed a committee to supervise its publication. Comrade SeCheverell, after months of perplexing by us in Cleveland, July 19, 1882. It was then decided to issue fifty proof copies of the work to be put into the hands of the members of the regiment for such additions or corrections as should be found necessary. This was done, and after the returns of the proofs and the incorporation of whatever corrections they contained, Comrade SeCheverell visited Akron, and spent several days with Colonel Schoonover, to whom was intrusted the corrections for that vicinity, and it is with no small degree of satisfaction that we now present the work to the comrades and friends of the regiment with our hearty endorsement, believing it as complete and perfect as it is possible to make.

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