The Brewer's Analyst —— A Systematic Handbook of Analysis Relating to Brewing and Malting; Giving Details of Up-to-Date Methods of Analysing All Materials Used, and Products Manufactured, by Brewers and Maltsters; Together With Interpretation of Analyses, Polariscopical, Microsc


ISBN: 9781332004058 出版年:2016 页码:477 R Douglas Bailey Forgotten Books


The author's first work,dealing amongst other matters with the analyses of brewing materials and products, was published sixteen years ago, entitled Notes on Brewing, being a collection of the more important of his articles contributed during several years to the Brewers' Guardian. Since that time it has been his occasional occupation to write articles on brewing for one of the trade journals and to carry out analytical work for several large brewing concerns. To this it may be added that for the past eighteen years he has been daily employed in conducting practical brewing and malting operations on an extensive scale, and can therefore, with reason, claim to have a practical and scientific knowledge of the subjects which his present work treats. So far as he is aware, there are but two works dealing solely with analyses relating to brewing - one having been published so far back as 1884, and slightly revised some six years ago, the other, more recent, being a drawn-up course of laboratory studies for the special use of the students at the Birmingham University. There can be hardly any doubt under these circumstances that there is at present a want for an up-to-date work for the use of brewers and brewing students, and it is to supply this want that the author has published the present volume.Of late years there has been considerable controversy amongst brewers' analysts as to the standardisation of analytical methods; and although nothing definite has so far been decided, the author has borne the controversy in mind, and, in view thereof, has endeavoured to steer clear of the same, and not vary the generally employed methods of analysis more than is consistent with modern views, which have resulted in more accurate information in the evaluation of brewing materials being obtained.Details are given of the polarisation of light, a subject neglected in all other works on brewing; particulars are also given of the latest improvements in the polarimeter.

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