Black's Guide to the Channel Islands —— Jersey, Guernsey, Sark, Alderney, and Adjacent Islets


ISBN: 9781332003228 出版年:2016 页码:304 Edinburgh Adam Charles Black Forgotten Books


The present Guide is in some respects abstract of a larger volume published by the Editor and his friend, Dr. R. G. Latham, ers. It is illus trated by some of the engravings in that volume, but contains maps prepared expressly for the Guide, and additional engravings, some from original sketches by Mr. N aftel, and some from photographs. It is intended more especially for the Tourist, and presents, in a condensed form, the outline facts most useful to those visitors of the Channel Islands who chiefly desire suggestive information. If further and more detailed ac counts are required, they will be found in the larger work by the Editor already alluded to, or in the local island histories. Of these latter.
