The Pheasant —— Natural History; Shooting; Cookery

----- 野鸡

ISBN: 9781332862207 出版年:2016 页码:325 Hugh Alexander Macpherson Archibald John Stuart-Wortley Forgotten Books


Each volume of the present Series will, therefore, be devoted to a bird or beast, and will be divided into three parts. The Natural History of the variety will first be given; it will then be considered from the point of view of sport; and the writer of the third division will assume that the creature has been carried to the larder, and will proceed to discuss it gas tronomically. The origin of the animals will be traced, their birth and breeding described, every known method of circumventing and killing them — not omitting the methods em ployed by the poacher — will be explained with special regard to modern developments, and they will only be left when on the table in the most appetising forms which the delicate science of cookery has discovered. It is intended to make the illustrations a prominent feature in the Series. The pictures in the present volume are after drawings by Mr. A. Thorburn, all of which, including the diagrams, have been arranged under the super vision of Mr. A. J. Stuart-wortley.

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