----- 1874年“公共崇拜规则法”
The great importance of the Public Worship Regulation Act - its close connection with the welfare of the National Church, and the interest which its anticipated operation has already excited - may serve to justify the attempt to throw light on its provisions.The present volume is meant not as a technical, but as a popular treatise, the object in view being to render the Act intelligible to the non-professional reader.The book contains the text of the Act, printed by paragraphs, with copious notes bearing on the Ecclesiastical law, and the new machinery and procedure by which it is to be administered. The Act is also printed in extenso at the end of the volume for convenience of reference.Some persons anticipate that changes will be made in the rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer before the Act comes into operation on theist of July 1875. But as these expectations may be unfulfilled, this work has been compiled irrespectively of any such contemplated revision.