The Diary of the Rev. Ralph Josselin, 1616-1683 —— Edited for the Royal Historical Societ


ISBN: 9781331561651 出版年:2016 页码:203 E Hockliffe Forgotten Books


The diary of Ralph Josselin, Vicar of Earles Colne from 1640 to 1683, consists of 185 pages about 8 inches by 5 written very closely on both sides of the page in a very fine and clear hand. It is bound in calf with the royal arms stamped on either cover with the letter G on the one side and the letter K on the other side of the shield; doubtless this cover belonged originally to some other book. In the year 1702 the diary was still in the possession of the family as on one of the pages are the words John Spicer his book; it will be seen that a Mr. Spicer married the Vicar's youngest daughter Rebekah. Its subsequent history is unknown, until it was discovered among the late Mrs. Oliphant's books after her death; how it came into her possession is uncertain.Less than half the original diary is here published. There are many entries of no interest whatever - endless thanks to God for his goodness to mee and mine, prayers, notes about the weather or his sermons, innumerable references to his constant rheums and poses, trivial details of every day life, records of visits to his friends etc. etc. The aim of the present edition has been to extract so much personal detail as is required to give a picture of the actual life of the author, and to include everything that possesses any historical interest. The author's spelling has been carefully preserved.The entries in the diary are frequent and are made almost daily in the earlier years, but from about 1665 onwards the vicar seems to have made usually only one entry a week.

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