Several months were Spent abroad in 1846 — 7, in the examination of government archives, chiefly in England and France, in search of materials not to be found in America. The kindness of gentlemen in official station, particularly in Her Britannic Majesty's Government, in securing permission to examine their records, and of those in the State Paper Offices at London, Paris and the Hague, in facilitating his labors, should receive the grateful acknowledgments of the writer. Copies of the English documents herein referred to are now in Mr. Brown's library, he having given orders, previous to the author's visit to England, to have every thing pertaining to Rhode Island, and much more besides, Copied for his private collection; which was done under the supervision of Henry Stevens, Esq., a. Gentleman whose experience eminently qualified him for the task. Many of these authorities extend beyond the limits of this volume.