The Clan Donald

ISBN: 9781334254666 出版年:2016 页码:653 A Macdonald A Macdonald Forgotten Books


In the course of our researches we have consulted at first hand such repositories of historical lore as the Annals of the Four Masters, The Annals of Ulster, The Annals of Loch Cé, Hugh Macdonald's ms., the Macdonald ms. Of 1700, The Chronicle of Man, Anecdotes of Olave the Black, The Chartulary of Paisley, Haco's Expedition, Acts of the Scottish Parliament, Rymer's F oedera, Ayloffe's Calendar of Ancient Charters, Rotuli Scotiae, Patent Roll, Anderson's Historical Documents of Scotland, Robertson's Index of Charters, Register of the Great Seal, Exchequer Rolls, Chamberlain Rolls, Acts of the Lords of Council, Register of the Privy Seal, Documents in State Paper Office, with many other historical works written on the Highlands of Scotland. Mrs Ramsay of Kildalton very kindly lent us a copy of The Book of Islay, printed for private circulation only, and containing much material for our work, available mostly for the period embraced in our second volume.
