An Account of Ireland —— Statistical and Political


ISBN: 9781331459460 出版年:2016 页码:791 Edward Wakefield Forgotten Books


A knowledge of the natural situation, the political institutions, and the local advantages, even of a foreign nation, is an object of considerable magnitude, and must, to an inquiring and enlightened mind, be a source of no small gratification; but to become acquainted with these relations, as they respect the great divisions of that empire, of which we are ourselves subjects, is of much higher importance. If we be ignorant of the true state of our country, its interests must be imperfectly understood; and it will be as difficult to discover a remedy for existing evils, as to prevent those from arising, which will otherwise necessarily occur during the progress of time. It is by the power of foreseeing political danger that we can guard against its consequences; for states, if their capabilities of improvement be overlooked or neglected, will inevitably sink into weakness, and lose that influence and that consequence among nations, which they might otherwise acquire and retain. Contemplating the present state of Europe, and the wonderful change which has taken place in the general system of continental politics; it becomes the imperious duty of every well-wisher of Great Britain, to point out her resources, and to recommend, to the best of his abilities, the manner in which they may be employed to the greatest public advantage. From recent events there is reason to conclude that our country, at least for some years, must depend for support chiefly on the natural vigour of her own people, and the internal means which they possess of calling it into activity.

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