The members of his household whom the Archbishop took with him to Vienna were: The Master of the Household, Count Arco; the Director of the Archives, Th. von Kleinmayrn; the Private Secretary, J. M. Bonike; the Prince's valets, Angerbauer and Schlauka; the Comptroller, Kolnberger; the Court Messenger, Zezi; the musico Cecarelli; the erratic violinist Brunetti, This summons of Mozart to Vienna decided his future life, for it was fated that he should never more leave the Imperial city. He announces his arrival to his father as follows: -Yesterday, the 16th, I am happy to say I arrived here all alone in a post-chaise. I forgot to mention the hour - 9 o'clock in the morning. I reached St. Polten on Thursday evening at seven o'clock, as tired as a dog, slept till two o'clock in the morning, and then proceeded direct to Vienna.