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ISBN: 9781331828365 出版年:2016 页码:404 Adolphe Thiers Forgotten Books
We publish, with the consent of the author, a historical work, clear, distinct and complete, although short, upon the system of Law. This work, which first appeared in an encyclopedic review about thirty years ago, produced a great sensation, and attracted to the then young author the attention of thinking men. We have reperused it, and it seems to us that, notwithstanding numerous volumes have been published before and since upon the system of Law, no one has ever presented, in a more precise and satisfactory manner, this singular financial phenomenon. It also seems to us that no one has so successfully and ably deduced the important lessons which it contains; lessons which it is not useless to reproduce to day, for the spirit of Law is present in all places and at all tunes. We, therefore, offer what appears to us to be a desirable edition of the work of M. Thiers; for it has never been printed in a separate volume, and many readers have often asked for it in vain both in French and in foreign bookstores.