Very little has been written in the past dealing with the subject of the standards, guidons, colours, etc., of the British Army. Scattered amongst Regimental histories, biographies of illustrious soldiers, and military periodicals, a fair amount of information may be discovered, but it is, of necessity, disjointed and difficult of viewing in proper perspective. Many years ago, a capital book was written by the late Mr. S. M. Milne, entitled Standards and Colours of the British Army. Unfortunately, this work was published privately and, accordingly, did not receive the full measure of appreciation which it merited.Students of Army Flags should consult this book whenever possible; also Ranks and Badges of the Army and Navy, by Mr. O. L. Perry; and the articles which appeared in The Regiment during the latter weeks of 1916. Messrs. Gale Polden's folders dealing with Army Flags are also instructive.The author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Mr. Milne, Mr. O. L. Perry, and the Editor of The Regiment. He is also very grateful for the assistance extended to him by Lieutenant J. Harold Watkins and Lieutenant C. H. Hastings, Officers in charge of the Canadian War Records.