ISBN: 9781331264330 出版年:2016 页码:289 Elizabeth Shelby Kinkead Forgotten Books
IN the preparation of this book, an attempt has been made to relate the events of practical, everyday life, in such a manner as to make the study of the history of our State a pleasure to the pupil. While adhering to facts as closely as they could be ascertained, the aim has been that the whole shall entertain as a connected story. Special effort has been made to portray the spirit of the Kentuckians, in order that the student may understand and revere the people from whom he is sprung. To this end, more space has been given to their character istics as indicated by tales of particular acts, than to the statistics of battles in which they have taken part. As this is a narration of the life of a State, and as the connection of one incident with another is of more im portance in a work of this kind than the grouping of kindred topics, the chronological order of development has been followed.