North American Indian Cavalry —— Argument


ISBN: 9781331244455 出版年:2016 页码:33 Joseph Kossuth Dixon Forgotten Books


The committee met at 10.30 o'clock A.M., Wednesday, July 25, 1917, Hon. S. Hubert Dent, Jr. (chairman) presiding.The Chairman. Gentlemen, I called this meeting this morning at the request of Mr. Kahn, who wanted a hearing on a bill which he has introduced (H. R. 3970)to organize ten or more regiments of Indian cavalry.Mr. Kahn. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce Mr. Dixon, who knows a great deal about the American Indian.Argument Of Dr. Joseph Kossuth Dixon, Philadelphia, PA.Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Committee, the subject before us this morning is one of such profound and vital interest, both to the Nation and to a great race of people, that while I endeavor to go into the matter somewhat extensively, I am very sure that I shall have your patient interest and sympathy.The Stars and Stripes have never known defeat. The flag In Peril of Freedom has never trailed in the dust. It has been torn by shot and shell, the thunderbolts of war have been hurled against it, but the stars in the blue above have looked down upon the stars in the field of blue below and anxious, loyal hearts have uttered the glad cry, the Old Flag is still there.To-day the flag is in peril. Above it floats another banner - a banner that must come down. Across its folds, written in letters of fire, you may read the ominous words, Endangered Liberty.In the steeples of time the clock is striking the hour of destiny for this nation. For the American Republic it is the Day of Judgment. The day is dawning for the dethronement of the impious rule of Kings and the enthronement of the dominion of Liberty for all peoples. The call to war has come - the inspired call of the President has reached the ear of the nation, and from city and hamlet and rural highway men are springing to arms in the defense of their homes and their nation, and for the destruction of the Old World despotism. Already our boys in khaki are facing the forces on the shell-torn fields of France; already the voice of our flag has said - the murder of innocent children sleeping amid the ooze of the deep sea-bottom shall be avenged; already the flag above the trenches seals the verdict that the dust of Emperors and Kings shall sift across the desert and the whole world shall breathe the air of liberty.The fight is on. The Senate and the Congress of the United States placed in the hands of the President the resources of the nation to join hands with the peoples of Europe who have been fighting our battles for us, to wrest victory from the savage and barbarous hand of German autocracy.The President will need every resource of the nation. The Congress pledged the President every resource of the nation.

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