The present study of the origins of the Tristan story was undertaken in 1906, when I was a graduate student in Radcliffe College. Part of it was presented as a thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy in that institution in 1909. Professor W.H. Schofield, under whom I began the study of Arthurian romance, helped me greatly with advice and encouragement in the early stages of the work. To fellowships granted me by the Women's Educational Association of Boston and by the administrators of the Ottendorfer Memorial Fellowship of New York University in 1907, and to the Alice Freeman Palmer Fellowship of my Alma Mater, Wellesley College, which I received in 1909, I am indebted for the opportunity of continuing my research abroad. I cannot refrain from acknowledging here the many kindnesses extended to me by Professor McLouth, Secretary of the Ottendorfer Memorial Fellowship Committee, and by Mrs. Woerishoffer, the step-daughter of Mr. Ottendorfer. The design on the cover of the book is the work of my friend Miss Ella Mackinnon.In connection with the chapter on the Celtic elements in the Tristan story I owe much to the lamented H. d'Arbois de Jubainville, who first turned my attention more particularly to that subject, and to Professor Kuno Meyer, Professor 0. J.Bergin, and Mr. E.I. Best, who have assisted me in many ways.