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An Indexed Synopsis of the "Grammar of Assent"

ISBN: 9781330898963 出版年:2016 页码:237 John J Toohey Forgotten Books


As far as is consistent with the scope of the book, Newman has been allowed to speak in his own words, without abridgment; for it was considered that those who should read this Synopsis would be much better satisfied, if Newman's thought was presented to them in his own language, and with a certain fulness, than if it was unduly compressed, or interpreted for them by the words of another.The cross-references have been made purposely copious, since this course seemed to be demanded by the main object of the book, which is to make readily accessible and, in a certain sense, to co-ordinate the various portions of the Grammar of Assent.All the proper names and all the more striking quotations contained in the Grammar of Assent have been inserted in their alphabetical order. For it may easily happen that a person may be puzzled what headings to turn to in order to find certain passages in the Grammar, which nevertheless may be associated in his mind with certain quotations or proper names. Such a perplexity will be forestalled by the plan of indexing adopted in this volume.

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