Since the issue of the last general catalogue in October, 1902, this business has undergone a great development. The membership has increased to an enormous extent, a result brought about in great measure by the recommendation of members to their friends.For this emphatic approval of our endeavours we tender our best thanks to the public, and intend in the future, as in the past, still to merit its confidence.When the scheme, formulated by the management, has been realised in its entirety the Library will be the largest and most popular in the kingdom.The frontispiece shows one of the new London depots, and is typical of the way in which a number of the new branches are fitted. All true book-lovers find great pleasure in handling clean books, and this pleasure is intensified if the volumes are housed in quiet and comfortably furnished rooms, such as the one depicted.The system of exchanging books, too, that is in use at this Library, works extremely well, saving the members much annoyance, and the assistants a great deal of time and unnecessary labour.