There are three things that sometimes enter into the composition of a book, which are seldom looked upon with complacency by the generality of readers; these are, a Preface - whether in the shape of advertisement, apology, or essay upon 'matters and things in general' - marginal Notes, and an Appendix. Having once been readers ourselves, we profess to know something of the sympathies and antipathies of that 'numerous and respectable' portion of the public; and we arc sure we assert no more than they would be all ready to confirm - if they had the opportunity - when we say, that it is regarded as one of the 'miseries,' to be disturbed in an agreeable train of thought, or interrupted in the most pathetic part of an interesting story, by an obtrusive note of reference, or explanation, which the impertinent author chooses to think necessary. We have heard, and perhaps uttered, many an execration upon the head of an unconscious author, for daring to take such liberties - with his own book!