While Works embracing details of the Science and Practice of Agriculture have been issued in considerable numbers, those which relate to what may be termed the Science of Landowner-ship, or the general Management of Landed Property, are comparatively few. Yet this is a matter in which many persons have a direct interest, rendering it desirable that full and clear information should exist on all points connected with it. Thus we have, in the first place, the Proprietors of Land, Tenant-Farmers, and those who represent the proprietors, and stand between them and their tenants, or Land Agents; but beyond those parties there are others occupying subordinate positions, such as Farm-Bailiffs, Foresters, and even Country Tradesmen, all more or less directly engaged in the business of Estate Management.In preparing the 'Book of the Landed Estate' I have endeavoured, therefore, to address myself to each section; and, while fully acknowledging the great merits of several of my predecessors in the same field of labour, I have reason to believe that a Work perhaps more suited to the advanced ideas and requirements of the present day than most of those which have hitherto appeared, is not uncalled for.