Therefore I shall confine myself to the subject to the present work, that is, an account of it, with which I have been favoured by the late Mr. O'Conor.Mr. O'Flaherty has displayed in this work a great fund of knowledge and information relative to Irish transactions and æras, through which he has interspersed, with uncommon judgment, Grecian, Persian, Roman, and English transactions and epochas. He has preserved many facts, which are certainly authentic, and which will enable a modern, employed in studying man on every stage, to obtain a good idea of the state of society in this kingdom, in the times of paganism and idolatry. He will find the ferocious manners of a military people softened by many admirable customs. - However, the learned writer has given civil government in Ireland too high a date, like most of our antiquarians, following in this respect Gilla Coeman, a Filea of the eleventh century, considered in that unenlightened and ignorant age the best antiquary of Ireland and Scotland.