An Essay on the Original Genius and Writings of Homer —— With a Comparative View of the Ancient and Present State of the Troade


ISBN: 9781330486061 出版年:2016 页码:373 Robert Wood Forgotten Books


Aving, in my Preface to the Ruins of Palmyra, informed the Reader, that one of the objects of our Eaf'cern voyages was to vifit one of the mofi celebra ted fcenes of ancient Rory, in order to compare their prefent appearance with the early claflical ideas, we had conceived of them; and particularly, that we propofed to read the Iliad and odyitey in the countries, where Achilles fought, where Ulyes travelled, and where Homer fung; I confidered Inyfelf in fome fort account able to the public, and my friends, for the refult of this part of our fcheme: and therefore determined to em ploy my firf't Ieifure in throwing together fuch obferva tions, as this inquiry had furnifhed; confining my firfi eliay of this kind to what concerns the Greek Poet.

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