----- 运营商的无线电报和电话手册
The writer has been long impressed with the fact that a book on the subject of Wireless was needed, which would not only explain the more simple working system but those of the more complicated design as well. Many good books are on the market relating to wireless telegraphy, but in the usual cases the subject is treated in either a rudimentary or a technical manner. The student soon passes over the experimental stage and desires to take up work with the more complicated instruments. This book has been written with the end in view of leading the student through the experimental stage, on up to the more complicated types of wireless telegraph and telephone instruments. Various rules and regulations as used at the present day have been inserted, as well as the different codes. At points where thought advisable the actual construction of the instruments used is gone into and all details given.A statement made on page 105 reads as follows: It is to be regretted that, as yet, we have no schools of wireless telegraphy which would serve to bring the student and the operating companies in closer relationship. However, the demand exists and such schools will ultimately follow. The truthfulness of this statement has already been proven, for since the pages of the book were set up the writer has become connected with an institute of this kind.