It vet remains for me to express thanks to my helpers. To such Texans as Mrs. M. A. Maverick, Mrs. Canterbury, Dr. Cupples, General H. P. Bee, Dr. Herff, Colonel Ford, Colonel Withers, Mr. John Dobbin and to others I owe much more than perhaps they are aware of, for it was my talks with old-timers that put me in touch and sympathy with theirs and earlier times. Not all, of course, that I have learned about San Antonio has been herein written down, but every smallest detail was counted by me as a help towards the better understanding of my subject. I was continually impressed by the excellence and accuracy of Sidney Lanier's Historical Sketch, and designed very early that it should form a part of this work. To Bishop Neraz I owe thanks for a glimpse of the older Church Records. As to the County Records, the kind directions of Messrs. Thad. Smith and Theo. Rozeine, have been of much service to me. To all these mentioned, and to many others who have unconsciously helped me at the cost of being bored. I return my thanks; nor do I forget that an acknowledgement is here due to my brother, Charles Corner, for work and encouragement. I trust my book will not only be a satisfaction to the inquiring visitor, but I should like to think that it could furnish a few notes and suggestions to a future historian of Texas.Further than these remarks, I have no use for the prefatory privilege, so for the rest, for better or for worse, my book, with its illustrations, shall speak for itself.