----- 教育
There are three Englishmen who have written so well that, as St seems, they will be read by English-speaking teachers of all time. These are Ascham, Locke, and Herbert Spencer. If a teacher does not know these he is not likely to know or care anything about the literature of education. - R. H. Quick.I agree with Mr. Quick in considering it one of the most important works on education in the English language. I strongly recommend any of you to get it, and to read it with all possible attention. - Joseph Payne.Mr. Spencer's essay, then deserves the attention of educators. There is scarcely a book in which a keen scent for details comes more agreeably to animate a fund of solid arguments, and from which it is more useful to extract the substance. However, it must not be read save with precaution. The brilliant English thinker sometimes falls in justice and measure, and his bold generalizations need to be tested with care. - Gilbert Compayre.