The Story of Oliver Twist —— Condensed for Home, and School Reading


ISBN: 9781330073391 出版年:2016 页码:381 Ella Boyce Kirk Forgotten Books


The new education takes two important directions - one of these is toward original observation, requiring the pupil to test and verify what is taught him at school by his own experiments. The information that he learns from books or hears from his teacher's lips must be assimilated by incorporating it with his own experience.The other direction pointed out by the new education is systematic home reading. It forms a part of school extension of all kinds. The so-called University Extension that originated at Cambridge and Oxford has as its chief feature the aid of home reading by lectures and round-table discussions, led or conducted by experts who also lay out the course of reading. The Chautanquan movement in this country prescribes a series of excellent books and furnishes for a goodly number of its readers annual courses of lectures. The teachers' reading circles that exist in many States prescribe the books to be read, and publish some analysis, commentary, or catechism to aid the members.

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