This volume comprises the following works literally translated into English with explanatory comments:i. Srî S'ankarâchârya's Dakshinâmûrti-Stotra, an ode to the Divine Self, with Srî Suresvarachârya's exposition named Mânasollâsa, Brilliant play of thought.ii. Srî Suresvarâchârya's Pranava-Vârtika, treating of the contemplation of the Supreme Atman by means of Pranava.iii. Dakshinamurti-Upanishad.S'ankarâchârya's immortal Hymn and the two works of Suresvarâchârya herein comprised epitomise the whole Vedânta Doctrine as expounded by the two authors in their commentaries on the Upanishads, and form a good introduction to a study of the subject. As a terse expression of the fundamental truths of the Vedanta, the well-known Hymn of Sankarachârya forms a suitable text upon which the student may meditate and thereby construct the whole doctrine for himself.