The other Members of the Second Caste. The Husbandmen; Rights of the Farmers. Skill in Agriculture. Gardeners; Mode of irrigating with the Shadoof, or Pole and Bucket; No Persian Wheel. Antiquity of the Shadoof. The Huntsmen, another Subdivision of this Caste; Ostriches prized for their Plumes and Eggs. Boatmen; Sailors of the Fleet, and the Soldiers who served on Board. The Third Caste. Artificers. Skill in stamping Leather; Each Trade had probably a particular Quarter of an Egyptian City appropriated to it. No Tradesman could meddle in Politics. Their Reasons for forbidding it; The public Weighers and Notaries. Things sold by Weight; Their Money consisted of Rings of Silver and Gold; The Scribes wrote down the Weight of Things sold, as at the present Day in Cairo. They penned Letters for those who could not write. The Master Tradesmen learned to write; Egyptian Writing of Three distinct Kinds, besides many Styles of each