A taste for good reading is an essential part of an education. To develop this taste, while helping the child to learn to read, this book has been prepared. It is important, in the beginning, that the child should like What he reads, and that the lessons should not be so difficult as to mar his pleasure in reading. For this reason great care has been taken to make attractive lessons, Within the child's ability to read and understand. The stories, as the name of the book suggests, have been carefully selected from the legends, tales, and fables, which, by their genuineness and truth to life, have come to form a literature for children. The longer selections have been divided into parts of sufficient length for one lesson. By doing this it has been possible to introduce versions and adaptations of tales of real classical value. The more difficult words are placed at the head of the lessons, and are marked for pronunciation. A key to these marks is given and should be carefully studied.