The first volume of the young farmer's manual treats of Mechanical Agriculture, and should be read with this, as it is intimately connected with it. The first chapter of this volume is made up of brief articles on the General Management of the Farm. The chapters bn Soils, Pulverization, and Fertilizers, are as brief as they can be, in order to give a young farmer a thorough understanding of that branch of agriculture. A good knowledge of these branches lies at the very foundation of a good system of Farming. My first volume was written while I lived on a farm near Lake Ridge, Tompkins County, N. Y where I was born, and resided until I was forty years of age. From Lake Ridge I removed to Auburn, N. Y. In the former part of 1865, I moved my family to New York City. Read the Preface to Volume I. I have endeavored to reduce the scientific to practice; and I think no intelligent reader will fail, with a dictionary, to get a correct idea on every subject, as I have aimed at simplicity of style.