The Medea of Euripides

ISBN: 9781440066870 出版年:2016 页码:117 Gilbert Murray Forgotten Books


All through the voyage home, a world-wide baffled voyage by the Ister and the Eridanus and the African Syrtes, Medea was Still in her element, and proved a constant help and counsellor to the Argonauts. When they reached Jason's home, where Pelias was Still king, things began to be different. An ordered and law-abiding Greek state was scarcely the place for the untamed Colchian. We only know the catastrophe. She saw with smothered rage how Pelias hated Jason and was bent on keeping the kingdom from him, and she determined to do her lover another act of splendid service. Making the most of her fame as an enchantress, she persuaded Pelias that he could, by a certain process, regain his youth. He eagerly caught at the hope. His daughters tried the process upon him, and Pelias died in agony. Surely Jason would be grateful now!

Russell Whitehead

I read this for the first time years ago. I read it again in preparation for writing the sequel to the Sparrow Princess, which will be told from the main antagonist's viewpoint. To say this is a story about a woman scorned doesn't even come close to describing the intensity of Medea's hate. Although I could clearly see both sides of this conflict, it occurred to me that this tragedy repeats itself over and over again to varying degrees even until today. And like the story illustrates, the children are always the ones who suffer the most.


Medea by Euripedes was a play I chose for my 2015 reading challenge. The play, with only 47 pages took about 1/2 hour to read. My first thought was.....doesn't the woman on the cover look like Salma Hayek?The play centers around Medea, a goddess who falls madly in love, emphasis on MADLY, with Jason. She gives up everything for this man. We're talking killing, stealing, betraying her father and home, the whole kitten caboodle. She has 2 sons by him then one day, bang........homeboy hooks up with this younger chick, leaves Medea and the kids and marries this home-wrecker. Say what???? Say it isn't so........ oh, it's so!To put icing on the cake, this home-wrecker's daddy (Creon) banishes her from the land. Allowed to stay one more day she plots her revenge and baby she went for it. Unfortunately her revenge is an act that would cost a lifetime of suffering not only her husband but herself as well.Medea, although a quick read, is very powerful. You will agree with Medea and understand her pain but will hate her for her decisions. Jason is a loser who tries to convince Medea that what he was doing was for a good reason. Let me tell you something, no one (woman) in there right mind would believe it. What's interesting is the mentality of both individuals. Medea was not afraid to show her emotions, whether sadness, fear or anger but Jason remained calmed and had no hatred towards her. She screamed at him, called him names, yet he thought they could still remain friends until the end.With no idea what this play was about or how it would turn out. I'm glad I chose it.


The book itself was pretty nice considering how cheap it was and being paperback, but I really just didn't like the story at all. I know it's a classic but it's not a good tragedy in my opinion. It's just an annoying read. I really wouldn't want to watch this as a play.


Excellent bargain copies for teachers on a tight budget! I bought a class set and wasn’t disappointed

Carrie L

Great value, required reading for my college student, and fast shipping!

Mrs m barkass-williamson

Exactly as described, arrived on time


