Other burghers left their home at the same time as my parents and were also encamped near the Caledon River. But this was not the Great Trek. That took place during the following year, 1 8 36, under Hendrik Potgieter, and was joined by the single groups of earlier emigrants. Immediately after this junction, a meeting was held, resolutions were passed to which all the emigrants had to submit, and a sort of govern ment instituted. But God's Word constituted the highest law and rule of conduct. Potgieter was chosen for the first position, that of com mandant. The resolutions which came into general force contained, for example, the decree that it was unlawful to take away from the natives, by force, land or any other of their property, and that no slavery would be permitted. They now proceeded jointly to the Vet River and crossed the whole of the Free State without depriving the weak native races which lived there Of a single thing. The land between the Vet and the Val Rivers was bartered in ex change for oxen and cows by the Kaflir chief who ruled there.