----- 诺森伯兰郡的自然历史与古迹
Beyond Glenw:1t,sisforty-leven, meafiircd. Under die Saxon heptarchy it was part of a large kingdoms founded in the year' 547, by Ida, a mol't accomplilhed prince, containing all the 'country betwe~en the two feas north of the Hufaber to the Frztb of Edenaurgb i'n Seatiand. Hence it has its name. Sometimes it was divided into two; Dara and Bermcia. Deira, i. E. Ferarum Habita' culzém, extended from the Oflium' of the Humber to the river Tyne from the 'tjne to Edenbizrgb By civil dill'ena tions, and the frequent alarms and deprmdatiorrs of the Darrer, it 'was confirained to fubmit to the {uperior power of Egbert,~ King.