I believe there exists a peculiarly wide need for such a review of the operations Of the Salvation Army as I have attempted to give in the following pages. My credentials for thus adding to the literature upon the movement are as follows: For nearly thirty years I was closely associated with its leaders, and more or less actively employed in advancing its religious and social endeavours. I began my Salvationist career in the capacity Of Treasurer of a small Corps, and finished it a Com missioner in its ranks. I may claim, therefore, the right to describe, review, and, in a friendly Spirit, criticise the teaching and work Of the Army. When I entered its ranks I was promised no guaran teed salary and no soft job at any of its Head quarters. Those entitled to my respect predicted that I should suffer in health and in reputation, and that I might prove a dismal failure as a Salvation Army Captain. I cheerfully accepted these risks, however, as also did my partner in life. The aims of the Army appealed to us; its achievements dazzled us. We sold up a little home and parted with lovable friends to embark upon this problematical career.