Highly fo, fince a perfon who bears ill treat ment without complaining, is generally held by his friends pufillanimous, or believed to be with held by {ecret motives from his own jufiifica; tion. I know not what mine think, but it will not be amifs to inforce their good opinion of me, by laying all my actions Open to their view, And as once publifhing will be more general, and fave many repetitions of a difagreeable nar ration, this motive firft induced me to write, to exchange my {word for a pen, that I wield as a foldier, who never dreamt of 'the beauties of fiile, or propriety of expreflion. Excufe then, gentle reader, all the faults that may occur, in confideration that thefe are not my weapons, and that tho' I received almofi as good an education.