This book was first published in 1885 and contained Plato's Apology and Crilo. Its editor, Professor Louis Dyer, subsequently removed his residence to England. When the editors Of the Cole lege Series Of Greek Authors determined last year to issue a new edition, Professor Dyer felt that he was not sufficiently acquainted with the changes in conditions Of collegiate instruction in Greek that have occurred in America during the past twenty years to undertake the task, and committed it to Professor Seymour. The new edition contains, in addition to the Apology and Crito, extracts from Plato's Phaedo and Symposium and from Xenophon's Memorabilia. Professor Seymour rewrote the introduction and the commentary on the first two dialogues, and added a commentary on the extracts and a vocabulary. The book was practically finished and nearly all in type before his death. The editors Of the College Series had hoped that Professor Dyer.