A New, Practical and Easy Method of the Learning the Swedish Language —— Including Rules for Pronunciation Exercises, Reading Lessons, Lists of Useful Words, Dialogues, Etc


ISBN: 9781332762675 出版年:2016 页码:161 Carl Lenstrom Forgotten Books


The study of foreign languages having become general, the methods of teaching them have altered and improved, so as to unite the changes which philology has suggested with those which the comparison of languages has taught. The present Series of Cheap and Popular Grammars for the Study of European Languages has been published with this aim in view. These Grammars combine Theory with Practice, and their method and arrangement have been based upon the recommendations of eminent authorities as to the clearest and most rational method of teaching languages.


To be fair in my review of this item,I cannot give a full review because I had to return the book immediately after arrival since the print was overall so poor that reading it was more guess work than actually seeing the printed word.Asked for a better copy in case this was fluke misprinted one, but got a refund instead.

Lifelong linguaphile

The title is extrememly misleading. The prospective reader should be aware that this is a reprint of a 19th century textbook. If you are interested in the history of Swedish, then it's for you. If you want to learn the modern language, search elsewhere.
