Sangamo; A History of Fifty Years —— Forty Years of Sangamo; Sangamo in Peace and War

----- 桑加莫;五十年的历史

ISBN: 9781332747535 出版年:2016 页码:153 Robert Carr Lanphier Benjamin P Thomas Forgotten Books


VI 66 first part of the book are valid only as of the date when Mr. Lanphier wrote. Part Two, Sangamo in Peace and War covers the period from 1936 to 1949, and is written by Benjamin P. Thomas, a long-time resident of Spring field and a distinguished historian and author. Since Mr. Thomas has no connection with the company, his narrative is less personal than Mr. Lanphier's, but he has had free access to company records and has also profited from numerous conversations with those most intimately acquainted with company affairs.

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