----- 格兰特将军在世界各地:美国将军访问的叙事
Grant in his recent travels. That suggestion was made to me during the prog ress of our journey. It was my intention to have completed this narrative on my return to the United States. The fact, however, that various publishing concerns in this country — half a dozen, I should think — began at once, upon learning of the intention of the American News Company to print this book, to issue rival editions, based upon letters and dispatches of mine printed in the New York Herald, compelled my own publishers to print the early parts of the first volume before my return. The compilation and arrangement of seven of the chapters in the first volume devolved, under the circumstances, upon others, to whom I desire to express my thanks. I refer to Chapters XII., XIII., XIV., XVI., XVII., XVIII., and XXII. The substance of these chapters was embraced in the correspondence to the Herald — the arrangement of the book is that of Mr. C. R. Parsons. With this Slight exception, the work, as it now goes to the reader, is entirely my own.