----- 向美国战争部长报告
Your attention will be directed to ascertain the actual condition of the various tribes, which you may visit, in a religious, moral, and political point of view, and your report to the Department, which you will make, at such times as will be convenient, will comprehend all such facts, with your reflections on them, as will go to illustrate this interesting subject. You will particularly as certain, as far as practicable, the number of the various tribes which you may visit, and those adjacent; the extent of territory, with the nature of the soil, and climate of the country occupied by them; their mode of life, customs, laws and political institu tions; and the character and disposition of their most influential men. You will also particularly report on the number of schools, their position, the number and character of the teachers, the num ber of scholars of each sex, the plan of education, with the degree of success which appears to attend the respective schools, and the disposition which appears to exist in the tribes, and with their chief men, to promote among them education and civilization. You will also report your opinion as to the improvements which may be made, and the new establishments, to promote the object of the government in civilizing the Indians, which can be advantageously formed. The moral condition of the Indians will necessarily be very de pendent ou the character of the trade with them, and a subject so important will, of course, claim your attention. You will report such facts, as may come within your knowledge, as will go to show the state of the trade with them, and the character of the traders, and will suggest such improvements in the present system of In dian trade, as in your opinion will render it better calculated to secure peace between them and us, and will contribute more efli ciently to advance their moral condition.